The seeds of oaks trees are acorns. The acorn is defined in the book, "Plant Identification Terminology" by James G. Harris and Melinda Woolf Harris as," The hard, dry, indehiscent (which means that they do not open at maturity along definite lines) fruit of oaks, with a single large seed and a cup-like base".
According to an excellent book about the use of plants by animals of the U.S., "American Wildlife and Plants, A Guide to Wildlife Food Habits" by Alexander C. Martin, H. S. Zim and A. L. Nelson, "Oak trees are of major importance to both man and wildlife, and acorns are at a position at, or very near the top of the wildlife food list. Acorns provide a good and abundantly available staple - the staff of life for many wildlife species. The acorns of the white oak species are more palatable to wildlife just as they were preferred by the Indians and early settlers." The red oaks are much higher in tannins which makes their acorns bitter.

There are many animals that love acorns and some actually hide them away for later in the year when food is less plentiful. Squirrels and other small mammals bury them, and then forget where they put them. Thus they plant a new crop of oaks, and some of the new plants will replace the old ones that are dying. The young sprouts are also food for other animals.
I found out from Scott Grote, who manages the deer and hunts, that the acorn crop this year is large enough that the White-tail deer aren't as interested in our corn feeders as they are in years when the acorn crop is smaller.
There are many cycles in nature, warm and cold, wet and dry. It would seem that a dry year like this past 12 months would produce a small crop of acorns. However when you consider that we had an unusually wet spring in 2007, the extra water probably gave the oaks the health they needed to make it through a dry year. When looking at the health of trees you look at what has happened in the last 2 or 3 years, not just the recent seasons.
Enjoy the fall. Leaves are changing color. Lots of plants produce their fruit in the fall. The air is often cool. It is one of my favorite times of the year.
Of course, I would love to see some rain!
I found out from Scott Grote, who manages the deer and hunts, that the acorn crop this year is large enough that the White-tail deer aren't as interested in our corn feeders as they are in years when the acorn crop is smaller.
There are many cycles in nature, warm and cold, wet and dry. It would seem that a dry year like this past 12 months would produce a small crop of acorns. However when you consider that we had an unusually wet spring in 2007, the extra water probably gave the oaks the health they needed to make it through a dry year. When looking at the health of trees you look at what has happened in the last 2 or 3 years, not just the recent seasons.
Enjoy the fall. Leaves are changing color. Lots of plants produce their fruit in the fall. The air is often cool. It is one of my favorite times of the year.
Of course, I would love to see some rain!
Thank you for identifying the Bur Oak for me, Margaret. I live in town in New Braunfels, and every year my grandson and I love hunting for these large acorns from a nearby church yard. Now I can tell him the correct name of the tree! I enjoy reading all of your posts. Thanks for all the great photos and information. Linda Dufour
I think my grandma and grandpa knew you and J David years ago. I grew up on Greenwood Valley Ranch, not far from your ranch--we also had exotics. My grandparents were Jeff and Fernne Hunt. Let me know if you remember them.
Leslie and Linda.
Thank you both for your comments. I love hearing back from readers of the BRP Journal. Leslie, I asked J David if he knew your grandparents, and yes he remembers them. Greenwood Valley Ranch is in the area where he is working to delist the endangered Texas Snowbell. That is a beautiful area and you were lucky to grow up on such a magical place. Do you remember seeing the Texas Snowbells on a canyon wall near the creek/river?
The post published on December 14, is about a snowbell planting trip near Dolan Falls, and you might find interesting.
Steven Fulton, our ranch biologist is doing research for his masters degree on the plants at Eagle Ranch (next to Greenwood Valley Ranch I believe).
Thanks again, and I hope to hear many more comments from you both. Feel free to e-mail me at or
while surfing on net , i saw your blog..oak trees and and their fruits were so nice .. i think i ll be back later too and spend more time .
HI, my name is Lin Andis, I am Leslie's mom, [Jeff & Ferne's daughter] I remember well the Texas Snowbells, I went with the group when they went to identify and collect seeds. I just completed the AAMN course and was lucky enough to talk to a lady that still has plants propagated from thoes few collections. It is good to remember old times, Thanks, Lin
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